Laying Down the New Roots

Since its already May, its time to get a-plantin’! With all the warm weather in March, there was much debate in the house about when to plant. I maintained that although we had already seen some 80* days, it wasn’t going to stay and we needed to wait. A couple of near-freezing nights in April backed me up, and a busy schedule held us off until recently.

It wasn’t until “DaddyP” took his chances with gardening that we got something in the ground. “MammaP” wanted to try to expand our growing area, and so we are taking a chance with our snap peas this year by planting them by the front of the garage. Her rationale was that since the peas don’t like being baked in the sun, the shade of the garage would be ideal for them. Usually we plant flowers in this area: its always kind of been that “leftover” space we try to spruce up with pretty things. We’ll have to see how their crop is this year, but I’ll pass praise to the gardener that planted them – we got little sprouts only a few days after they went in the ground. “DaddyP” also put the trellis in for them, so they will have something to hold on to when they are mature enough.

Best quote: “Well it’s pretty difficult to screw up planting peas!” ~ DaddyP

Onion bulbs also went into the ground around the same time. Growth sprouted from them about the same time as the peas started coming up.

These little puppies need to grow so we can have grilled onions with our pierogis!

This past Saturday, we also finally planted the 4 tomato transplants we had purchased and were harboring indoors for a few weeks: 3 in our normal “large” growing area along the length of the yard, and 1 in our side garage area. We’ve already caged these, so when they shoot up they can be contained and supported better.

The newest “experiment” for the garden is what we hope will yield a yearly harvest: asparagus! Totally on a whim, we purchased 6 asparagus bulbs at Home Depot. After a quick tutorial on YouTube, I soaked the bulbs in water for 15 minutes while digging a 6″-8″ deep trench to place them in. To try to maximize space, I made my “trench” a ring instead – urban gardening doesn’t afford much space. The instructions said to lay the bulbs in the trench approx. 12″ apart from each other; I know that isn’t exactly what happened – I probably spaced them closer to 8″ apart. Following the YouTube instructions, I covered the bulbs with 1″ of soil, leaving a 5″ ditch. As the asparagus grows up, I am supposed to continue to fill in the ditch until I reach the regular height of the soil. Pictures to come, if they actually live!

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