Another Saturday Walk

As I had expected, I didn’t get to run Friday evening or Saturday morning, so Rob said we pretty much had to do something Saturday evening to keep me on schedule (plus, you know, I had put it on the blog last week and if it’s on the internet, it must be true…). We did the same route we had done the week before, using my GPS and RunKeeper again.

We also saw this little lady during our walk. She totally didn’t mind us, and was pretty content to just stroll and lollygag while we walked past. I’m a city girl, so this was unexpected and exciting for me, haha! Amongst other things, Rob and I also talked about his training for the half marathon and if he feels he’ll be ready in time (yup, calling you out online, duck!). It was humid as all get out, but we managed to walk slightly faster than last time. The stats for the walk: 44:50.2 , 2.9  mi, 15:41.6 min/mi. On to training the rest of the week!

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